Francesco Guglieri
Francesco Guglieri was born in Sanremo in 1976, and currently lives in Turin. He works as foreign fiction editor for Einaudi’s “Frontiere” imprint. He has hold Comparative Literature classes at the Universities of Turin and Genoa. He is a long-standing contributor to a number of magazines including “Rivista Studio”, “pagina 99”, “IL” by “Il Sole 24 Ore”, “Il Venerdì” and “Robinson” by “la Repubblica”. He wrote the preface to the Italian translation of the graphic novel Baking with Kafka by Tom Gauld (Mondadori, 2018) and the foreword of Cyberpunk. Antologia Assoluta (Mondadori, 2021). He is the author of Leggere la terra e il cielo (Laterza, 2020).

Foto di Vanessa Vettorello
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